Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Target Juice.

One part of becoming a Mom of two that I had attempted to prepare myself for was the reality that my Cubbie time would become limited. I knew it was coming. I find myself missing my little man, even when we've all been home all day. Naomi requires so much time, especially at this stage, that it's hard for me to not feel a little guilty while she is getting attention and, consequently, Cub is not.

But, he is adjusting so well. SO well. There are definitely times where he fusses when one of us gives Naomi attention when he wants it, but the rest of the time, he is his normal easy-going self. When it's time for me to feed Naomi, he goes into his room and plays by himself, or finds some toys in the living room to entertain him, without me first asking him. I am so thankful that we have a son who is so content--I hope we can continue to help him be that way. We worked hard at giving him alone time and not filling his life with an overkill of attention when he was our only child--we wanted him to be confident apart from us--and that might be a part of why he is adjusting as well as he is--a little bit of nature and nurture, you know? I'm inspired to do the same with Naomi.

Tonight, my husband stayed with Naomi so Cub and I could have a Target date. He loves going to "Gar-get!", especially when there is the promise of Horizon Vanilla Milk (sold by the in-store Starbucks there), that he lovingly refers to as "Gar-get Juice!" Even when it was just the two of us, our more recent outings included me being very pregnant and uncomfortable, so it was refreshing to feel good and have the energy to make this date a fun one. When we got there, I scooped him up and carried him inside, not because he isn't capable of walking in there himself, but rather because I could carry him, easily, and happily, and he loved it. Our first stop was Starbucks where he received his Target Juice, and then we bought some cookies. It was great and my heart was overwhelmed with love for my little man.

I almost got a little weepy.

Being a Mom of two kiddos under the age of two definitely has its challenges. But I'm so thankful for the big brother that Cub is to Naomi. I couldn't ask for a better pair.

Have a lovely day.


  1. Awe, Sophia and I have little Target (or grocery, ice cream, etc.) dates all the time too. She loves them, but always asks, "Momma, where baby sister?" It's THE cutest thing ever. Amazing how fast sibling love evolves.

    Cub's an awesome kiddo!

  2. I love it that he calls it Target juice! Sweet boy. It seems he is transitioning into his big brother role very well.
