Monday, April 22, 2013

Still Here!

Hey friends!

I'm still here, I promise. This past week we hosted a sweet missionary family in our home during the missions conference at our church and needless to say, we're exhausted! There was a lot of good food, growing friendships, and lots and lots of laughter. We had five kids four and under running around the house and life was crazy! Lots of late nights and sweet memories made. We say goodbye today and we are truly sad to see them go. We are so thankful for the opportunity we had to host this precious family and we are excited for their ministry in Mongolia, spreading the love of Christ to the sweet people there.

After the clean-up and subsequent crash, I promise I will continue answering your good questions!

Have a lovely day, friends!

1 comment:

  1. Such a good example of serving the Lord...the missionary family AND you guys. :) Love you!
