Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More Questions!

Did you work before you had kids? What did you do? Do you get your hair professionally colored or do you do it at home? If so what do you use?

As we are getting closer to thinking about starting a family, and eventually want 3 kids somewhat close in age (if we are so blessed), I am curious about your life as a SAHM :) Until recently, I had never considered staying at home with our (future) kids, even though that's what my mom did. Have you always wanted to stay at home, or if not how did you decide? And how do you know what to do with the kids every day? I feel like that is something that may just come naturally to some people, but do you have any sort of "curriculum" that you try to follow? If so, at what age do you start it? I think my future kids would be bored to death with me at home with them! ;)

I did work before I had kids! I worked at our church as a secretary (my degree is in Family and Human Services and God has given me really amazing non-paying opportunities to use it). I wore many hats, but, let's face it, most secretaries do! It was so much fun. I did weigh both options of working or staying home, simply because I loved my job and the people for whom I worked. But, staying home turned out to be the right choice, especially since two more kiddos showed up rather quickly and my whole crew definitely keeps me on my toes!

My Mom worked and I remember her saying that she wished she could have stayed home. She worked at our school so our hours were the same, but I do remember her repeating that sentiment throughout my childhood. I do not consider myself to be a "kid" person, but my Mom assured me that when I had my own kids, I would love them. Thankfully, she was right. ;) I am very thankful that I am able to stay home. I knew I wanted to, simply based on my discussions with my Mom. After Caleb was born, I was reaffirmed in that choice.

As far as the structure of our day, some days are organized and others are footloose and fancy-free. I do use curriculum on the organized days, mostly through www.starfall.com. We've also used "Little Hands to Heaven" as a pre-preschool curriculum. Cub was ready to learn letters and numbers around the time he turned two, whereas Naomi hasn't really shown an interest in any of that until now (she's almost three). Now that she's interested, we'll start doing some sort of curriculum every day. I don't stress over the curriculum (okay, maybe I stressed with poor firstborn Caleb a little) but I've learned that every kid is different. Naomi never really showed interest in learning letters, but she loves snuggling in my lap while I read to her. Bam! That's the best thing I can do for her. Lots of reading. She'll learn her letters when she's ready.

I do like to have a rough outline of what my day is going to look like. I kind of need a plan. I like to make lists of everything I want to do for the day and I especially enjoying crossing things off of that list! Even if it's something simple like reading to the kids or playing outside--everything we do with our kids matters and it's a good practice to write it down as a reminder to yourself that you did have a full day, even if you don't feel like you "got anything done". We do a lot, even if the state of our house doesn't show it. ;) Some days I feel the need for a very detailed list and get a lot of housework done, and other days I'm happy to relax with the kids and just play. Both are equally important. And, really, you'll find your groove. You'll learn what works for you and what works for the kids. Don't put too much pressure on yourself--I promise, it will come! But, on the days where you do feel disoriented, lists are a great way to get back on track.


I do get my hair professionally colored.

Wait, okay, let me clarify.

Barring no personal crises, I get my hair professionally colored. However, I have been known to color my hair with a box from Target in the midst of life-altering events, such as my Dad's cancer diagnosis, my pregnancies, my husband's job change, etc. Some people eat chocolate. Others paint. I dye my hair with cheap box dye. Go figure. I can't explain it, I just do. Each dye job is subsequently followed by a phone call involving me bawling to my friend/hairdresser, Connie, with me blubbering about What have I done? and Can you please fix it? She jokes that my life crises keep her in business. ;)

I love having my hair done. Bring on the blonde!

Even if it ends up in a ponytail almost every day. :)

Have a lovely day!


  1. Amen to lists. Amen amen amen. If I'm feeling extra swirly, a list (even a super short one with tiny tasks) helps to ground our day and make me feel like I'm "getting something done." Even if it is to just go outside and play. Or color. Or unload dishwasher. I heart list. :)

  2. So I have a follow up question for you - hope that's ok :). How do you parent multiple kids without getting into the comparison game with them (and also with others who compare them.. in extended family, community, etc.)? How do you juggle having multiple kids but still parent each one uniquely and see them uniquely? Any practical tips?? I'm thinking about this a lot as we get ready for #2. Thanks, Katie.

  3. Such a good post on the stay-at-home-mom gig! We operate in much the same way, but I remember feeling overwhelmed by the whole, "But what do I DO with them!?!" question in the beginning!
