Tuesday, March 26, 2013

the EGGS!

EDIT: A very precious teacher from my childhood politely informed me that I had misspelled "vial" for perfume. I promise, my perfume is not "VILE". :) Thank you for the heads-up, Mrs. Woods. My brain is on auto-pilot today.

Yesterday afternoon was crazy. I'm hosting Easter this year, which meant lots of running around to ensure I have everything I will need. I did this yesterday, because my week is crazy. We're busy every day. Crazy crazy crazy.

So, as I was zooming through the aisles of my beloved Target, chucking plastic Easter eggs into my cart, I couldn't help but get that "THIS ISN'T WHAT THIS HOLIDAY IS ABOUT" feeling, the one that typically gnaws at my soul during Christmas and Easter. We don't do the bunny thing, so the eggs don't even make sense in that way! But, I kept a few eggs, put a few away, grabbed some small pieces of paper (to write "privileges" on, like staying up or having dessert, to put in the eggs, so it isn't ALL candy), tossed those in the cart, and came home.

And, of course, at 10:30 that night, I received an email from my best friend, which had a link to this blog.

And, really, I agree. This holiday is the crux of Christianity. Without the Resurrection, we just believe Jesus was a good guy who died and that's that. But, He became our Savior on Easter morning. The catalyst that changed it all.

And, so, laying in bed, I stared at the ceiling. Then I turned my head to look at the Target bag filled with eggs, wedged against the wall. And then I looked back up at the ceiling. And at the eggs. I prayed. I looked at the ceiling. I prayed some more. Eggs, ceiling, eggs, ceiling.

I then decided to consult my husband, the guy who makes things make sense to me, to hear his opinion. I explained my plight to him--the EGGS! the EGGS! is not what this is about! And he listened, he nodded, he put his hand on his chin. And he explained that the eggs are just a family tradition. He grew up doing them, I mostly grew up doing them. The grandparents will be here, Easter baskets in hand. Just do a few eggs for the kids. They're so little. It's just eggs.

(the EGGS!)

"But," he said, "It's up to us to teach them the Truth. We did eggs, but we knew the Truth, too."

How do we say one thing while doing another? How do I talk to my kids about the hugeness of this Event whilst dolling out cheap plastic eggs?

I mean, I get it. I can separate the two in my mind: The Family Tradition and the Holiday. The tradition is just that--something fun. The Holiday is what it's all about. But will my kids be able to distinguish between the two? It's easy to blow things off and say it isn't that big of a deal, but, it kind of is. In my opinion, anyway.

So, this year, for the first time, we're observing Holy Week. In our own little way. Not observing Holy Week so we can do eggs, but observing it to help the kids understand the steps that led up to the Resurrection. We kind of wave branches around on Palm Sunday and skip right to Easter. But taking those days in between to study the events leading up to Christ's death ... we need the context. I'm sure many of you do this anyway, but I didn't grow up in a tradition that ever observed Holy Week. It's new to me, and wonderful.


This morning, I grabbed our Storybook Bible (LOVE IT) and read Caleb the story of Mary Magdelene pouring her perfume on Jesus' feet. This is technically tomorrow's story, so ... forgive me. I jumped ahead. Anyway. I read it, complete with my own vial of perfume. And Cub was totally into it. He smelled the perfume.  Nodded when I used words like "expensive" and "sinner" and "alabaster". And when I read that Mary knew she needed a Savior, Cub's eyes widened and said, "MOM! I get it!!" I paused, excitedly.


Oh geez.

"You know, Yo-Gabba Gabba when there's that big green cloud that comes out of that car? It's yucky and bad, and poisons the ENTIRE EARTH."

I stared blankly at Cub's excited face, blinking a few times to register.

"Um, okay..? It's bad like, uh, sin?"

He tapped his finger on his chin and nodded. Yes. The green cloud on Yo Gabba-Gabba is just like sin.

We finished the story and I couldn't help but giggle. I mean, he was kind of right.

I freak out with things like this, I do. I worry. It's such a huge responsibility to teach our kids the Truth. And Cub's little mind was processing it as best he could. Like any four year old. I needed that reminder, that we do the best we can. We plant the seed. We teach the Truth. And sometimes our kids get it ... and sometimes they don't! Or, they kind of do, and relate it to a cartoon that we RARELY WATCH, AHEM.


I'm still stumped with the eggs. And now I have to abruptly end this post, because Lydia pooped. Thank you for reading my random processing post. Now that I re-read it, this post is kind of a hot mess. All over the place.

Thank you for reading, anyway.

Have a lovely day.

P.S.--Her diaper is changed! Now. What are your thoughts?? I would love to know your family's Easter traditions!


  1. I read Jen's blog (like that? How I reference her by name like we are totally best friends? Ha!) yesterday morning and have been stewing on it. I understand and GET what J is saying about tradition. I really do, but my next question (to myself) is does the fact that it is a (fun) tradition necessarily make it right? And that's where I'm at. Teetering on the brink of making a new tradition for our family. To celebrate Passover, Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday. Perhaps.

    1. Definitely loving our morning reading for Holy Week from our Jesus Storybook Bible! Are we allowed to call it Holy Week if we aren't Catholic? I should ask my Catholic friends.

  2. I'm stuck. Because my eldest just turned three, I'm not sure there are many real-meaning-of-Easter lessons that she'd even 'get'...but we're also not big on the bunny. Hmmmm. I think I need to be more proactive in coming up with little kid friendly ways of teaching such heavy things, like Christ's death. Wow. But...something I really believe is that most of these real-meaning-of-Easter (and Christmas....) traditions that we are starting are really just training US to do them each year. Eventually, because we keep doing them, the kids will grow up and catch on and know the Truth. You know? So....to begin. To Pinterest I go..... ;) Thank you for sharing where you are at with this whole egg business. Right there with ya, friend. :)

    1. Thank you for emailing me. And for always (mostly) being willing to try crazy new things with me, like hot cross bun making with the kids. Priceless!

  3. I haven't made these for our kids yet, but when we were growing up my parents always did those resurrection eggs with us ... you know, the ones that tell the story in 12 eggs: one egg held a thorn, one a piece of cloth, one a rock, etc. (In addition to egg hunts & candy) My mom made ours and I'm sure there are dozens of tutorials on them. Um, I'm undecided on how to handle all the trappings that come along with the holiday, but I know I like resurrection eggs.

    1. I love Resurrection Eggs! One of our favorite traditions!

  4. Great thoughts! I haven't read the Jen Hatmaker blog yet but several friends have mentioned it so I'll be checking it out! We aren't doing the bunny thing, but we will hide a few eggs and do Easter baskets with a bit of candy and the "Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing" devotional book. One thing I've already started talking about with Riggs (as we colored eggs yesterday) is that just as an egg brings new life to a baby chick, Jesus gave us new life when he died and rose from the grave. Just one simple tidbit that I have been talking up this year! That seemed like a good connection point between the tradition and the purpose for me!

    1. I like that. I think that's why I'm more bent on doing eggs than an imaginary bunny that poops marshmallows all over our house before leaving baskets for the kids. Not that there is anything wrong with that. As my Mom would tell me, "They're just kids, lighten up." I love her.

  5. Two things came to mind after reading your great post, Katie :)..

    1. It takes time for each parent and each family to figure out how to commemorate and celebrate any holiday - my guess is we will all be doing some things differently in a few years from now and keeping other things.. Families evolve as kids get older (and get ideas of their own :)).. and I think that's a great thing. I have to keep myself from feeling the pressure of "Easter 2013 MUST BE LIFE CHANGING."

    2. My parents weren't super traditional about anything during Christmas and Easter time - we did a few things during Christmas and absolutely nothing during Easter (other than going to church). I honestly can't even remember a special Easter meal. But they taught us all the time from the Bible about Jesus coming to earth, dying on the cross and coming back to life - that was part of our every day life together as a family. We heard these things All The Time. (In fairness my parents were also missionaries so the gospel message was always heard around our home.) I have zero memories of a life that didn't know about Jesus, his death and resurrection. I guess my point is that what we as parents do around Christmas and Easter is good and important - I'm sure us kids would have benefited from a few more family traditions.. but I am most thankful now that we had the gospel taught to us All The Time. Not just at Christmas. Not just at Easter. As a parent today, I need to take the pressure off my self during these holidays when there are so many other demands. I don't need to get it all "in there" during Holy Week.. This is maybe my one *small* criticism of the Jen Hatmaker post (and I like her a LOT) - what does it matter if we do everything "perfectly" for one week and let the whole year slip away? I've got the whole year.. every year.. every day.. for a long time while the kiddos are at home to tell them about Jesus - and this steady, even, well-paced faithfulness in telling them the story and telling myself the story, I think this is what God asks of us. (And I'm sure Jesus would have loved hunting for treasures, eggs, whatever with the little children :)).

    1. Your comment should be a blog post. What wonderful thoughts.

      1) I agree and have to remind myself of that, too! I know the Katie of 2024 will probably look back on the Katie of 2013 and smile softly and pat her head in pity. Poor Katie of 2013, who over-thought everything. Bless her heart.

      2) I absolutely love this. After reading what you wrote and really thinking about it, I do put a lot of pressure on these two days to REALLY communicate the message of the gospel ... but what about the day after Easter? And every other "normal" day? I love your words, "steady, even, well-paced faithfulness in telling them the story and telling myself the story" ... that's refreshing to my soul. Thank you for giving me your words.

  6. Ahh good luck! I have no words of wisdom but look forward to hearing what you decide :) My husband and I grew up doing eggs and going to church. We knew the Truth and we knew the fun & games. We still do to this day - meaning yes, we will be doing eggs and church on our own, even without kids! Happy Easter!
