Lydia is EVERYWHERE. ALL THE TIME. The girl is brave and, bless her heart, clumsy. She goes into everything full-force, whether it's taking a bite of food or lunging for a toy or jumping in for a hug. Her little forehead is always bruised, thanks to her head-first collisions with the floor, a table, a toy, one of our heads, etc. But nothing stops her. She just keeps toddling on. We practice holding hands as much as possible (like when we pick big brother up from school) and she's learning the good ol' "Come to Mama" command that has already come in handy in public places. But, already, I can see Lydia's personality differing slightly from her older siblings. Both of her older sibs vary on the compliance list, but would be considered compliant, in my opinion. Lydia is learning obedience and all that jazz, but there's something about her that makes us realize that, well, she's the third. The baby. And in her life, her primary goal will be to keep up with her big brother and her big sister. Oh, bless her heart, she thinks she's BIG. And therefore tries to do what the others do, and doesn't exactly love taking "no" for an answer.
Baby's a pistol.
Her spunk and sunshine make her delightfully refreshing. Seriously, this girl is radiant when she smiles. But, at the drop of a hat, she'll plunk on the ground with a full-force wail, with me staring at her, quietly wringing my hands in worry, wondering what in the world to do. I'll just say this now:
Neither of my older kids have been full-blown fit-throwers.
They just aren't. I don't know why. Don't get me wrong--they pout and they'll fuss if something in particular doesn't go their way, but it's typically resolved quickly with a stern word from me. This means nothing except that my children just have two distinct personalities: The obedient firstborn son and the pleaser firstborn daughter.
And then ... Baby Lydia.
The pistol.
She's very, well, LOUD. She hollers when she's happy. She hollers when she's upset. And while Naomi was our spunky baby, she mellowed out as a toddler, but Lyds, well, hollers. Like I said, she goes into everything full-force (and without much grace, like ME) and that includes her volume level. Her speaking voice is sweet and raspy and low, but man, you get that girl happy and the hollering commences. She loves just as intensely as she gets upset. Wild and free, is our Liddy B.

All that to say, it will be interesting to navigate the toddler waters with this one. I'm trying to nip things in the bud as I see them happen, but, let's be honest--I have two others who require attention, too, and I know there are things Lydia does that fly under the radar. I've heard before that third-borns (especially if they are last-borns) are easygoing ... and spoiled. And now, I get it. Easygoing because they just have to go with the flow. I mean, seriously--when she's a happy camper, which is honestly most of the time, she's a breeze. But spoiled because, well, she's the BABY! BAAAABBBYY!! And, I know, it's too early to really judge what these next few years will look like. But, from our experience already, with Lydia there is a lot of laughter and joy ... and a lot of stern reproof. Baby keeps us on our toes.
Sugar and spice. Our Liddy.
My musings for this rainy Thursday.
Have a lovely day!
She so BIG. What the crap. Also, you area good Mommy. You realize all three kiddos need different parenting styles, and you are endeavoring to to provide what they need. Thus, #goodmommy :)
ReplyDeleteIf it means anything to you, my youngest sister was definitely the most strong willed and stubborn out of the three of us.. and she was that way from baby, baby stage. It really was her personality. She was also at a whole different level of physical strength and determination (she climbed out of her crib way before she was one) - and she was/is brilliant.. reading by 3, etc.. She definitely brought our family lots of laughter and joy - so have lots of fun with your number three.. I love the way all kids are different and keep us on our toes..
ReplyDeleteI have a little one who is just a few months younger than your Lydia, but she is my first (and so far only). When you casually talk about nipping things in the bud I am a little bit envious. These looming toddler years are a big fat mystery to me. I have an idea of where we want our girl to go, by God's grace, and I have a handle on some basic manners to work on now, but as to what behavior to "nip in the bud" and how to train my sweet, but stubborn and LOUD kid, I do not know. I'm reading up a storm - any suggestions on good resources?
ReplyDeleteHey Katie! Firstly, don't let yourself be too intimidated. This, of course, coming from the girl who is completely freaked out that her four year old thinks that Yo Gabba Gabba is more theologically correct than the Bible ... perhaps I should take my own advice. ANYWAY. :) By "nip it in the bud", I just mean staying on top of little things as best I can. You know, screaming when she doesn't get her way and that kind of thing. It's just always good to begin addressing things as you see them come, if you see them come. Just kind of guiding them in the right direction, if that makes sense. I always told myself, "If I don't want them doing this when they're four, I don't want them doing this now" like jabbing the blu-ray player with their finger or running towards the oven when it's open. That kind of thing. Just being sure to tell them NO and not just whisk them away and ignore the behavior. If that makes sense. As far as books go, I love Ginger Plowman's "Don't Make Me Count To Three". It's geared more towards preschool/elementary school-age kids, but I love her emphasis on things being a matter of the heart, not just the outward behavior. We don't want good kids, we want godly kids. Repeat, repeat, repeat. It starts with basic obedience, and then develops into really nurturing their hearts and getting to the root of behavior. Good stuff. Also, pretty much everything I've ever heard of that's written by James Dobson gets good reviews. I hope that helps! Don't worry too much and take it a day at a time. We're training ourselves while we're training our kids, and we're all a work in progress!