Friday, April 20, 2012

Love: The Week.

Little Lydia Ladybug, on her way to church. I mean, really. The cuteness.

I got an order from and the kids have had a hayday with the box. I fold the wings in and drag the kids to a new room. They like to try to guess which room I'm going to. I like to try to guess how long it will take before my arms and legs give out. PHEW.

Okay. Have y'all tried I hadn't given them a whirl, but after my order, I decided to try. I opened a window and a window and compared prices between the two, and they were mostly within a few cents of each other. With free shipping to boot, I happily placed a big order with It came the next day and now we have plenty of toilet paper and fabric softener to last until June. I love running errands with the kids ... just not when it's a frantic we-ran-out-of-this-necessary-item errand! We'll see if I prepared wisely. And, don't get me wrong ... we'll still frequent the Bullseye. It has my heart.

We had massive storms last weekend, and they cleared the air for beautiful weather this week. This is baby bunting and I on a walk. Have I mentioned how much I love the sling?

I tried a new Pinterest-y recipe this week. I didn't have all of the ingredients, so my version is very modified. Anyway, the filling you see is avocados, red onion, cilantro, and olive oil. I wrapped them in won-ton wraps (which were supposed to be spring roll wraps ... oops ...) and pan-fried them in olive oil. HOLY YUM. They were delicious. Naomi ate three.

I was recently joking with some friends about the trends emerging for spring. I saw a link that listed twenty-five of them, and I liked only two: Neon being one, nautical stripes being the other. I'm old and un-trendy, I know. But, here I am, trying on neon for size. Hard to miss me in a crowd!

One of our hens absolutely refuses to leave her nest. We think she's trying to hatch this group.

And, lastly, poor buddy got a fever this week. I hate when he's sick ... but I do love the snuggle time!

Have a lovely weekend, friends!


  1. How in the world did Lydia get so big? She's so cute!

    Love the kids in the just reminded me I have to order diapers today. ;)

  2. Love the neon. Love the babies in a box. Love the Little Little all snuggled up. And now I want to order big boxes of diapers and cleaning supplies. :)

  3. The cuteness is right. Miss Lydia is just as adorable as the other two. You have some stinkin' cute kids.
