I've mentioned the struggles that I've faced in this journey (my youngest is almost three months old), so, now I want to share some joys, too, for a little encouragement. All three kids are bathed and in bed, the dishwasher is running, the laundry is put away, and, for the most part, everything is in its place. And, my husband worked late tonight, so this feat was a solo accomplishment.
See? It's hard at times. But not impossible.
Some more noteworthy sweetness:
-Cub and Naomi's blossoming friendship. These two adore each other. They also boss each other and are learning to share (yippee, siblings!). But, their love for each other is awesome. The first words out of their mouths when they wake up is to ask for the other. "Where's Nomi?" "Where's Kay-bub?" Love.
-Lydia is becoming more and more a part of the family. The big kids love to make her smile. Naomi is absolutely smitten with her and loves to help me dress her, change her diaper, rub lotion on her tummy, etc. It's so fun. Her routine is going well and all three kids typically go down for naps at the same time, which is kind of like the heavens opening up and pouring down glory from above.
-I feel more empowered than ever. For all of the brain-dead and klutzy moments, there are great moments, too. Even if it's just a shopping trip where we receive compliments on good behavior, it's great to feel like the kids and I ... we're doing this. And maybe, just maybe, we're doing this well at times. Aaand I'm pretty sure the compliments are born out of an expectation that with three small ones, a fit is inevitable or, at least, Mom's head will explode. When those things don't happen, people seem to appreciate it! ;) Since Cub is not in any sort of school program yet, if an errand needs to be run, all three go with me, and learning how to make that happen is a pretty good feeling.
-My husband and I are strong. I remember when Cub was born, my husband and I would glance across the room at each other and wink whenever Cub did something cute or noteworthy. It was like our secret language, like, "Look! We made this little dude and WE THINK HE'S AWESOME." Well, now that there are three, the opportunities for winking have tripled (if we're able to pause long enough to do it) and we've loved and encouraged each other through the highs and lows of it. We still go to bed chuckling about something one of the kids has done (typically Naomi, our funny bug). I can't imagine this journey without him by my side and I love that we both delight in our kids together. He loves our kids. And I love him for it. We've also learned how to give each other space for our own interests (for me, it's Zumba, for him, it's hobbies). We take care of each other, ourselves, and the kids. So important.
-I've lightened up. I'm picky about how certain things are done, but I've learned that a cluttered countertop or a pile of folded laundry that's been sitting there for two days isn't the end of the world. Because I'm busy. It's just the truth. It's meeting one little need after another, all day, every day. I'll catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and sometimes I frown at the mom pooch (gut?) that I'm still harboring and will probably have for a while. And then I tell myself to remember all of the things I've done today--all of the nursing, the laughing, the playing, the laundry, the meal-preparing, the feeding, the reading, the chasing ... and suddenly I like my reflection. If a pooch is what it has taken for me to get to live this life I'm living every day, then I'll take it. A thousand times, I'll take it!
-I love naps.
(Sorry. Had to throw that in there.)
Have a lovely day, friends.
Loved this post. You ARE doing it...and doing it well. Your kids are sweet and loved, your husband adores you, you take care of yourself and your family. Couldn't ask for more! Thanks for sharing the good stuff with us.