Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Confrontation and Common Core.

If you know anything about me, you know that confrontation isn't exactly my strong suit.

A long time ago, as two of my friends were in a heated disagreement, I found myself in my friend's home office, hiding under the desk, on the phone with my husband, whispering vehemently that I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO THEY ARE FIGHTING AND I AM UNDER A DESK. Once the situation resolved itself, I emerged from the hallway, stating that I had taken a bit of a long time in the bathroom.

Brave, yes?

I am happy to report that my insecurity has lessened quite a bit since having children. Parenthood is full of disagreeing ideals and I have learned that you can sit on one side of the fence while still waving at the other--no need to be hateful. We won't always agree on things. We just won't. But, when it comes to my children, I will stand firm when something comes into play that I believe compromises their well-being. And, I find that the older I get, the more convicted I am to put feet to my thoughts and action to my words.

I precede this post with that tidbit of introspection because I want you to know where I am coming from.

This past Monday, I, along with other mothers, fathers, teachers, and administrators, rode a bus to our state capitol to join over a thousand concerned constituents who were protesting the implementation of Common Core Standards in our state's schools, both public and private. If you have not looked at that website, please do. We sat in on Education Committee meetings, lined the hallways of our Senators' offices, and spoke to representatives. We encouraged them to hear the bills that pertain to Common Core, including parents' right to opt their student(s) out of state testing.

I don't want to go into great detail about it because this blog is not about politics, but I do want to say this: If you have a child who is in school, who is going to be in school, or if you live in a state where they have schools, or if you know someone who has a kid who is in a school, or if you know someone who wants to maybe someday have a kid who is in school, or if you are currently breathing and have a pulse, please READ UP ON COMMON CORE. Know how it is being implemented in your schools.

I do not like Common Core because of the one-size-fits-all curriculum that is ONLY geared towards success on the tests. It's all about standardized tests. Speaking of curriculum, who's writing it? And how much money is being made from producing it? The kids are being taught how to pass standardized tests with methods and a curriculum that are lukewarm at best. The expectations for the kids are not age-appropriate (can your kindergartner read? and write?) or developmentally appropriate. And, politically speaking, this isn't a one-party ordeal--members of both parties are frustrated by Common Core--just ask New York.

Oh, and just because your state may say it is not implementing "Common Core", check the details behind their state standards. Chances are, it's Common Core, with a different name.

I am not an educator. I'm just a Mom. A Mom with kids who are in a private school that does not use Common Core. Yet. But to think that those facts exempt me from involvement is naive and ludicrous. I witnessed the process at the capitol--private and home education are at risk, too. Having the attitude "it will never happen to us" is exactly why it will.

How can you be involved? Call your reps. Read up on Common Core. Talk to your kids' teachers and administrators. Know the material being taught.

Okay. Now I am stepping off my soap box, straightening my cereal-bar encrusted sweatpants, and going about my business as a stay-at-home Mom of three.

After calling my representative. :)

Have a lovely day.


  1. Proud of you Katie. Hugs to you.

  2. This is why I left public school teaching, and why my son attends a private Christian school that will not implement the common core curriculum. Good for you!!!
