Y'all, life has been one big whirlwind lately. But, really, when isn't it?? We've had some fun stuff going on here, so I thought I'd share it in pictures, before jumping back in and answering your questions!
Cub started tee-ball. Sniffle. So fun. Well, kind of so fun. He cried through the first game (except when he was at-bat), only cried a little through the second game (his feet hurt? it's too hot? it's too cold?), and had a blast through the third game. Little buddy, getting all big and stuff.
We were honored and blessed to host missionaries in our home for the first time! When we bought this house, we prayed for God to use it as a means to bless others, and intentionally kept a guest room (our girls share a room instead of having their own) for that purpose. He answered our prayer in a wonderful way and we were grateful for the opportunity to open up this room for our guests.
A large group of us participated in the Color Run and ran (walked?) in memory of precious Aunt Pam. It was moving to see such a large group come together (and get completely filthy) in her honor! We have good people.
Y'all, I turned thirty. I received such sweet gifts from my friends and have pics of a few ... my bestie gifted me with some adorable bow earrings and I love them.
My hubby gifted me with a cruise. He told me about it in February and I think I cried and passed out. We've traveled since having kids, but the kids are usually with us, or I'm pregnant, or I'm nursing (nothing screams "romantic" like the words, "Wait, honey, I have to pump first"). ;) The experience could be a blog post all its own, but I will sum it up thusly:
1) Lots of laughing and flirting and realizing we will grow old together splendidly.
2) Lots of reading and sleeping (I read THREE books, y'all. Three. It was amazing.).
3) Eggs Benedict. Every morning. Every. Morning. Mmmm. My favorite breakfast of all time. With coffee, of course.
And lastly, a gift from some sweet friends. On the tote they pinned a label that said, "Happy Birthday, You Old Bag". Hilarious. They filled the bag with thirty trinkets appropriate for a thirty year old. Such a thoughtful and fun gift!!
There you go! A quick peek into my life. Next post: CHICKENS.
Have a lovely day!
Ok, I am trying to mentally transport myself into your cruise pictures right now. SO nice! Way to go, Josh! And isn't Glass Castles a crazy book? And cracking up about the "old bag"...great idea. AND, yay chicken post!