Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lately ...

1) On February 7, we welcomed my new niece, Anna, into our family! She's such a beauty!

2)  Valentine's Day traditions: Heart-shaped pancakes on heart-shaped plates. And Valentine buckets waiting for the kids when they woke up--a new shirt and a little toy.

3) I always swore that if I ever had girls, I would never dress them alike. I would want their "own personalities to shine" blah blah blah whatever. I love dressing my girls alike. LOVE IT. And they love it, too, so ... it happens a lot! They can have opinions about it later ...

4) My new favorite picture of the kids, eating cookies from Memere, sitting on a telephone table my Grandpa made before I was born.

5) Awkward side-bend selfie whatever pose: My favorite staple during the winter has been my red jeans and my fringed booties. I wear them all the time.

6) Every Sunday morning, we take the kids to get donuts before church. A totally fun and unhealthy tradition. Yum!

There you go! A quick update this morning, in the midst of the breakfast show!

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you dress the girls alike. It is adorable and precious and won't last long enough. :) You are such a good Mommy to fill up their days with memory making. And the tassel booties never hurt. ;)
