Monday, July 16, 2012

An Ode To The Nap.

When Cub was a baby, I remember reading a parenting book that insisted that my baby should be able to sleep through anything. Being a newbie Mama, I nodded eagerly at the suggestion and thusly vacuumed and ran the blender during his sleep times. And, yay, he could sleep through anything, good for him, rah rah rah, who really cares I don't know.

Then I had two kids.

Then I had three kids.

And y'all, nap time is SACRED.

As soon as that clock strikes 1:00, I tuck the kids in bed, blow them kisses as I close their doors, and spring into action. I run to the TV and turn it off if it's on. The iPod player gets unplugged as I shut off the kitchen lights. I close the blinds in every room, lock the doors, and after one final sweep through the house, I slip into my room and close the door quietly. After tiptoeing to my bed, I silently pull back the covers and crawl in, letting my head sink into the pillow as I pull my comforter up to my nose.



The only time in the entire day when I am completely alone. I can go to the bathroom alone. I can eat a snack alone. I can rest ... alone.


So. Can my kids sleep through anything? Well, of course they can!

That's what high-powered fans and sound machines are for.


Have a lovely day!


  1. LOL. Amen! Naptime is sacred here too.

  2. Oh goodness, TOTALLY AGREE. That blessed alone time is priceless beyond measure. Protect the nap, I say. ;)

  3. Yes! This morning I found myself wide awake at 6 a.m. and I somehow managed to get myself out of bed and onto the front porch with coffee and my Bible for the first time since Rhett was born (not the first time with a Bible, mind you, but just alone in a "quiet time" setting). I was so excited that I got all choked up! Alone for a beautiful was right up there with nap time today!

  4. Oh, absolutely!!!!! And I do hope you keep that mentality through when your kids get older too, even through teenage years.....I SAY that, but I've never enforced Quiet Time for any of the older kids. But I WANT TO!!!!! Lol!

    I'm trying to synchronize my two smallest girls' nap times, at 1.

    This was a great post!
