Sunday, January 8, 2012

Questions? Comments?

This is the time where I open up the floor for you to ask me a question. Any question. These posts help me understand how I am portraying myself on this blog and give me an idea of what I can improve, change, etc. You can ask me anything--how George the Cat got his name, or something about my faith, or if my hair is naturally blonde. Or, you can ask me nothing at all and we'll move on!

I do reserve the right to not answer any question if I deem it inappropriate. :)

Have a lovely day, friends.


  1. What are your favorite go-to dinners to cook?
    Do you have favorite books you recommend for surviving(enjoying!) the toddler years?

  2. What was/is your disciplining style with Cub and Mouse? Tucker is 16 months and is generally very well behaved, but I'm struggling through the fits, tantrums, and his responses to being told "no."

  3. How is it going with home schooling? You mentioned before that you were trying it in small steps and I wondered if you still felt the same as you did back then.
    Do you have plans or desires to get back into the workforce outside of the home at any point?
    I'm having panic attacks over working and my babies going to school. I just don't want them to go! Sheer panic.

  4. What are your favorite hair/face/etc. products right now?

  5. Well, my usual request is to post the bowling story... but I'll go search the archives myself this time. ;)

    How are the chickadees doing?

  6. Does Josh help a lot with the kiddos? I have a husband who is so good with Livy and I'm so blessed for that! From what I can tell, Josh is very hands on too. Also, you always inspire me to have good days with your thankful posts on FB. Plus the fact, you're an awesome mommy of 3;)

  7. Hi Katie! I don't comment often, so I hope it isn't overly creepy that I'm asking a question! I was wondering about the kind of "natural living" things you have found you and your family doing. I guess it seems like you are on a similar path in some ways to where my husband and I hope to be in a few years - a larger home, lots of land, and maybe tending to an animal or two. You have talked about eating eggs from your there any thing else agrarian in your present or future? Or do you support other local farms in any other way? It's a culture we hope to dip our toes into someday, and I'm curious about your experiences. Especially since you are relatively new to it as well - you don't grow all your veggies, have a composte, and slaughter cows for beef. (At least as far as I know!) Rambling question, hope it makes sense... Thanks for your time!

  8. Do you have some kind of a cleaning "system" or are you one of those people that just naturally stays organized? I've found that even though i love being a SAHM, my house never seems to stay clean with 1 or 2 toddlers running around playing, plus trying to take care of an almost 6 month old who seems to constantly need to be held (he has also become a sleeper like his big sis, which means 15 to 30 minutes naps!).

  9. I thought of a question for you last night...

    Since my horrible bout with mastitis, and now Mr. V not liking to nurse on that side, I've been considering giving up nursing. He is so fussy that I never feel like he's getting enough, or something/everything I'm eating is irritating his stomach and I can't pump a drop for the life of me. Grr... I'm sticking with it as long as I can - hoping the cloud of "gosh it is probably so much easier to bottle feed" fades soon - but I wondered your thoughts. I believe you did both, right? What is your opinion of each...was one easier than the other? I can't even imagine bottle feeding at night; it's so easy to just nurse. Thoughts?
