Wednesday, September 7, 2011

And The Survey Says ...




I tell y'all, this is hilarious. Sweet Baby Cheeks' conception was a huge surprise to us and it looks like the surprises are still coming. With our other two kids, we found out the gender at sixteen weeks and it was right both times. This petit chou remains a mystery at a ripe twenty weeks. As the tech pushed (and PUSHED) on my tummy to get a good view, the baby kept his/her knee blocking the view, thusly leaving the results inconclusive. My husband and I could do nothing but laugh.

I'm the kind of girl that likes to know. I like to plan. I like to decorate. I like to accessorize. This little one, from the moment I took that pregnancy test and my jaw dropped to the floor, has been my constant reminder that my plans? What plans? What are those? Meh! Rubbish!

And it's the consistency of surprise that leaves me quite fine with the fact that we couldn't find out.

The heart looks great. The kidneys look great. The limbs look great. The bladder looks great. The brain looks great. Not knowing the gender became less and less important as the ultrasound went on. The things that mattered were fine. In fact, in the midst of the poking and prodding, I started to feel like we just weren't going to find out. I just knew it. By the time the gender search began (at the end), I was at peace with not knowing. And, sure enough, there was the baby's knee, dodging the paddle!

I'm okay with not knowing. It's very unlike me.

But, I'm okay. I'm really okay.

Now that is a surprise.

Will we wait until the birth day to find out? We'll see. Who knows. For now, we're thankful for a healthy baby and thankful for really great surprises.

Have a lovely day, friends!


  1. Boo. Sounds like a modest little girl now. ;)

    Both my girls did this to me, having their legs crossed. We never found out til 24-26 weeks with both - when they were too big to hide it from us. Ha.

  2. Crazy! I do love the surprises though, so bring em on, baby ;)

  3. aw! That's sweet though and i think you have a great attitude about it all

  4. This cracks me up, you have a great attitude, Katie! I'm glad the important things are all a-ok! :)

  5. I love it! We really liked being surprised with the baby bird, even though it drove everyone else nuts! Now, how about a bump photo?

  6. I would be going crazy! Good for you for being calm :) I vote girl, now!
