Wednesday, April 20, 2011


We drove by the home we are purchasing and were giddy to see the word ... SOLD.

(Just the yard, sorry...I'll put pictures up once the contract is signed!)

(Is it weird that I feel weird putting up pictures of a house we don't officially own yet? I mean, it just seems weird to me. So that's why this is mostly a picture of a blurred out yard sign.)

Ten days until it is officially ours.

Ten long, nerve-wracking and crazy-exciting days.

Until then ... back to packing.

Have a lovely day.


  1. i hear ya...we have a MONTH until closing and i'm trying not to be a nervous wreck till then! why did yall move again?

  2. Congratulations! That is so exciting!!!

  3. I don't think your weird at all about not posting pictures of the house yet. Although I can't wait to see it!! I'm sure you wouldn't want who ever is buying your house to post pictures and blog about it either. Well happy packing and moving!!! :)

  4. :) Wishing you a easy breezy next few weeks!

  5. Yay! I completely understand not posting pictures until it's official. Happy that you showed me a sneak peek, though...I'm an "insider;" I feel special. Congratulations!!
