Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Tuesday Tip.

When it comes to the daily maintenance of the cabinetry in my home, I'm a big fan of Method or Swiffer and such. But, when it comes to giving them a good deep polishing shine, I use this:

I bought this stuff years ago and I love it. A few drops goes a long way. It not only gives my cabinets a shimmery shine, it also smells awesome. Nice and nutty. I think I found it in the baking aisle.

Yay for shiny.

Have a lovely day!


  1. I will have to try that!! I bet it does smell really good! I like your new header by the way!!

  2. Beautiful blog redesign and I'm going to try your new detergent. We always use All free and Clear - no fabric softener, no drier sheets, and the kids' skin has been great this whole winter, but I would love the orange scent I think :)

  3. can you use it on wood floors as well?

  4. I've never used it on our floors! If you try, just remember that it is oily, so you'll need to be sure that you aren't walking on the floors for a while (or that you just buff it really well to make sure it dries!). Good luck!
