Thursday, December 9, 2010

In the Mailbox.

: Gloves for our postal lady. :

... And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night ...
will stay her from the swift completion of her appointed rounds.

And, well, we're known for having some pretty fierce ice storms around here.

Sometimes it can be easy to take the mail from the mailbox and overlook the hands that put it there.

(Hands that might appreciate staying warm.)

'Tis the Season. :)


  1. Love this. I may have to steal it. Recognizing people who are often overlooked is supremely important. That is very thoughtful of you.

  2. I heard the idea a few years ago and have given our mail lady gloves ever since. She always writes a thank-you note! :) It makes me realize how many people get overlooked, like sanitation employees, too. I think I might tape a (labeled) Christmas card to the lid of our trash can for them with a tip inside. Things that were customary years ago have sort of gone by the wayside now!
