Monday, October 11, 2010

October Eleventh.

Two years ago today

I held you in my arms

and what happened next

were the greatest days of my life.

I know it will just keep getting better.

And I can't wait.

Happy Birthday, Cubbie.

(A letter is coming, as soon as I can burrow out from beneath my piles of Kleenex.)


  1. OH my goodness. Time has passed all too quickly. He is wonderful, Katie. You've done such a good job.

  2. Happy Birthday, little one! I can't believe it's been TWO years. God is good.

  3. I know I don't comment often (ever? I'm not sure), but I always read your blog. I was catching up today and read this one. Oh heavens. Liam is 5 1/2 months and seeing the pics of Caleb going from baby to toddler just killed me. Why does it all happen so fast?
