Dear Naomi,
You are now two months old.
I can't believe it. Two months already! Slow down, girl!
Your biggest accomplishment this past week is your ability to smile. Your eyes smile first. I remember that with your brother, too, and I love that you are the same way. Your eyes light up and then the corners of your mouth slowly begin their ascent until your lips have formed a sweet little grin. Sometimes you only smile with your eyes. I love that, too. You love to stare at us and track our movements. You are also entirely enamored with your big brother. You could sit in your chair forever, staring only at him. Speaking of your chair, that is by far your favorite place to hang out. From your perch in your bouncy chair, you quietly observe the world around you. You spend a lot of time there and never seem antsy for a change of scenery. You like your chair.
Mama had to cut dairy from her diet this past month in an attempt to settle your tumultuous tummy. Amazingly, it's worked. Your fussiness has all but disappeared and what we see instead is a happy, content baby. The word I use the most to describe you is sweet. You are truly a sweet little baby girl. After I stopped eating and drinking dairy, you almost immediately set yourself on a little feeding routine, something that was a big of an impossibility before. You eat at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, and 9, with a middle of the night feeding, falling somewhere between 3-5. It takes you about ten to fifteen minutes total to eat and I appreciate your swift efficiency!
You take four naps a day, after you've been awake for a bit between your feedings. The only two feedings you do not nap between are your last. You are usually in bed between 8:30 and 9:30, although you are pushing that closer and closer to 8:30, which we appreciate! You wake up once in the middle of the night to eat (with the exception of spontaneous growth spurt feedings, as I like to call them) and I love it. I love our sweet snuggle time in your nursery at night, in the quiet darkness. You sleep through the night about once a week, but I am in no hurry for you to master that skill. Please keep these middle of the night feedings just a little longer. Mama's not ready to let them go.

You weigh 11.5 pounds and are in the 70th percentile for weight. You are 23.6 inches, putting you in the 90th percentile for height. Your little head circumference is 15 inches, putting you in the 35th percentile. You are growing right on track, and yet you still seem so little to us. Our little Mouse. You snuggle perfectly in the crook of my arm.

I can't even begin to tell you the amount of joy you have brought to our lives. Before we knew what was wrong with your tummy, we were so scared, Mouse. Several nights were spent rocking you, with both of us crying, trying to soothe your pain as best as we knew how. I hate to see you hurt, especially when I don't know what to do about it. But, now that the problem is solved, your precious personality is peeking through and we are loving every minute of it. I love my little girl. I love to put bows in your hair. I love to put you in dresses. And I know you will probably rebel against that when you get older. :) More than anything, I love it when our eyes lock and I fall in love with you all over again. Kissing your fuzzy little head and holding your small, unsteady hands is indescribably beautiful. My daughter. Your Dadda is absolutely taken with you and when you give him a smile, he melts and cannot look away.
We cannot imagine our lives without you, little Mouse. We love you.
Happy 2 months to your little girl! She's a doll.
ReplyDeletelove the headband and bow!!! where did you get it?
ReplyDeleteshe is so beautiful!
Thank you! The headband came from a local boutique and the flower came from Etsy. Sadly, I don't remember the seller's name, but if you search "crocheted flower clip", you can find hundreds!!
ReplyDeleteTwo months old. Good grief. !!! She is really so pretty, Katie. She's growing up! Love the little Mousie!
ReplyDeleteI always thought that Caleb looks so much like Josh, and now I think Naomi looks so much like you! You'll each have a mini-me :) She is gorgeous and I am SO happy to hear that her little tummy troubles are gone!