Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ain't No Fool. And Strollers.

I've been sitting here trying to come up with a clever April Fool's Day joke, but oddly enough, I've never been very good at doing pranks of the April Fool's nature. Isn't that silly? I like a dose of sarcasm here or there, but I've never had the nerve to flat-out lie to someone and then say, "APRIL FOOL'S!!!" Maybe I should try wearing my clothes backwards or something.

Perhaps this was a holiday my family just kind of gently skated over, hence my lack of Fool's Day skillz.

With a "z".

Instead what I've been thinking about is how I cannot believe March is over and April is already upon us. Did March go out like a lamb? I guess it kind of came in like a lion, so that would make sense. And now it's time for April showers. April is my birthday month, so it holds a special place in my heart.

I'm usually not very picky when it comes to my birthday. I rarely have anything that I JUST CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT, so when friends or family ask me what I want, I shrug and say it doesn't really matter. Because it honestly doesn't. It doesn't mean I'm not happy that it's my birthday, it just means, well, I guess I'm pretty easy to please! I've got my house and my husband and our son and a baby girl on the way. I'm good to go.

This year ... well, I actually want something. I told this to my husband. I want a double jogger stroller. I've been pondering this in my mind, because I know it is easy to accumulate superfluous baby gear that in its entirety may seem a bit unnecessary, but I've really been thinking about this one.

When Cub was a wee one, one of the things that helped get me out of my post-pregnancy "fog", so to speak, was the ability to go for walks with him in the morning while the weather held up. We love love love taking walks together and it is my primary source of exercise post-baby. I've been able to push it pretty well with our travel system stroller, but once Naomi comes along, we're going to run into a bit of a problem. I know I can put her in a sling or a Baby Bjorn and push Cub in the stroller, but that isn't exactly conducive to hardcore power walks. We have a bike caboose that we could use as a double stroller, but it doesn't collapse and it isn't compatible with a little one in a car seat. And Naomi will be in her car seat in the stroller all summer and well into fall. I've found a few online that I love, where you can purchase car seat adapters to make the stroller compatible for newborns. I know it might seem like a silly step, since it's only one summer, but I'm not kidding you ... it's a big deal to me!

Plus, we travel quite a bit, whether it's just one state over to visit my parents or some place a tad farther. And having a double stroller would be handy. I know Cub can walk, but, let's face it--sometimes even big kids need a break, too! A jogger would be great for workouts, plus it would be handy because it can handle any terrain.

Now, for shopping trips and such, I'm all about using our single umbrella-ish stroller and a Baby Bjorn. That's fine by me. For everything else, I want a double jogger.

As always, hindsight is 20/20. After Cub was born, I looked at what I had registered for and realized some of the stuff was kind of useless and then I also found myself wishing I had registered for other things as well. But, the reality is, we just don't know what we're going to need until the time comes. And I know Naomi isn't here yet and I am still the parent of only one child (outside utero, anyway), but I feel like I actually know what I am going to use this time. I know how important walks are. I know what our busy lives look like. I know I know I know.

SO, Blog Land! What do you think? Am I nutsy in my wanting a double jogger?

Also, if I have already asked you this, I'm so sorry. Honestly, it's pregnancy brain and ugh, pregnancy brain is SO FRUSTRATING! If I've already asked this, you can just, well, chalk it up to a really lame April Fool's Day joke. :)

What do you think?


  1. A double jogger sounds good...but I've heard that babies really aren't supposed to be in jogging strollers, even though they make car seat adapters for them. I've heard they simply bounce too much...

  2. I say if you want it, get it! Only you know what would work best for your little family. In my opinion, if you spend a lot of time walking, it would definitely be worth it - especially since they'll be so close in age and Caleb is still little. Plus, those things go like hotcakes at JBF, so you would have no trouble reselling once they outgrow it.

  3. Yes! Get one! (This coming from someone who does not yet have one...)
    When I was pregnant with Lillian, we purchased a Sit-n-Stand stroller from Target, which is awesome for certain outings. It holds an infant carseat, and it's really narrow, so it's perfect for walking around in stores or on narrow sidewalks. And it folds up nicely. And Charlie can either (can you guess?) sit or stand, which is a fun option for him.
    But - it's a little too heavy for walks outside, which we're doing a lot these days. If the terrain is uneven, I get so exhausted just pushing it for half a block. So I'm in the market for a double jogger as well. I talked with a friend today who has one, and her only complaint with her model is that the seats are always reclined; the seat backs can't be set straighter. So that frustrates her little one-year-old, to not be up straight enough. But there are models with adjustable seats, if that's something you want to look for.
    The thing that confuses me about joggers: a swivel front wheel or a stuck-in-one-place front wheel? Does it matter?
    Hope you find one you like! Happy birthday!

  4. hey, i know i already recommended the bob running stroller, which is awesome! but if you are not planning on hard core running, just some hard core, intense walking, what about a phil and ted double stroller? (i think you can get them in the states?...) they have 3 wheels and are super sturdy for even moderate running. they are light and fold down easily. or the Britax B-Duel is also good. they are both quite a bit more affordable than the BOB and it seems they would suit your purpose just as well. in addition the aforementioned strollers are suitable from birth and the BOB is not. good luck!

    oh, and i am with you on the april being a great month. i started the count down yesterday. 27 days till your birthday, 28 until mine! woo hoo april birthdays!

  5. mine by far is the best purchase made with this second baby. we go everyday...sometimes twice. we have a schwinn, and the beauty of it is that they recline SO far back, that you don't even have to use a car seat. three of my friends and i all have the exact same ones with infants and a toddler and it works fantastic. also comes with a weather shield for if it's particularly windy to keep them more comfortable. we also got a regular double stroller on craig's list and i have used it one time - thinking about selling it cause i think i'll only use the's that much lighter and not as combersome
