Thursday, March 4, 2010

It Does Burn, Indeed.

Well, I realized today that most of my food is stopping mid-esophagus, so it's time to ask the question:


Whatever method of treatment works, I will most likely be employing it through June. So, you know. Please suggest something tasty.

Have a lovely day.


  1. I've survived on the off-brand of Tum's. Not the real deal. They actually kind of remind me of the Smartee's candy. Not too bad! Plus, they are packed with calcium, so, you know, that can't hurt. Boo for heartburn! :(

  2. I like Rolaids - multi...something or other. I only take them if it's BAD. I like the little beady things in them - Man, I'm not very descriptive, sorry --- REALLY struggled with heartburn with Alex, not so much with Mikayla yet. I don't know if it's safe or not in pregnancy, but there are acid reducers and acid "preventers" over the counter too, but I haven't taken them since being pregnant. They work wonders though.

  3. Raw almonds worked wonderfully for me. And they were yummy, too.

  4. i only had heartburn one time. and NOTHING worked. i did try chocolate milk (the only way i can drink milk) and while that helped ease the burn while i was drinking it, as soon as the carton was gone, the burning was back in full force.

    i have been told that pineapple is supposed to work for heartburn. i never got the chance to try it out, but hopefully if you try it, it will work for you!!


  5. I took Gaviscon, it helped with my heartburn during pregnancy.

  6. Rolaids or Tums. They're both okay during pregnancy and they helped me.

  7. I only dealt with heartburn early in my second trimester (knock on wood!) but my doc told me that I could take over-the-counter Prilosec if I needed to. You might ask your doc about it!

  8. Tums never work for me. The only thing that has worked is drinking a large glass of cold milk, then immediately laying down on your side in the fetal position. Sounds nuts, but it has worked for me. A fellow-coworker told me about it when I was pregnant with Sophia. Talk about a funny thing to see walking into someone's office! haha.

  9. I think you and I are due the same day, or week anyway?? June 14th? I have been experiencing bad heartburn myself. Ugh! I like peppermint tea. It seems to calm my digestion.

  10. Hey!! I had horrid heartburn when prego with Obi, and the night that I was hanging over the toilet almost trying to make myself throw up whatever it was that had caused the searing pain, my wonderful husband got online and came upstairs with a "home remedy". It is just baking soda mixed with water. You drink it down and within seconds your pain stops, you might burp once or twice (which isn't exactly lady-like, but then neither is trying to throw up), and then you are good to go. The worse the heartburn the more baking soda I added to water. The proportions are on the arm & hammer box. It was the ONLY thing that worked for me, and it would settle it down for a lot longer than anything else. It doesn't taste great, but it isn't horrid either. Good luck!
