Thursday, October 22, 2009

Desperate Napping.

I just took a nap in our car in the garage. Cub fell asleep on the way home from running errands and it wasn't technically his nap time, so I knew if I moved him to his crib, he'd probably wake up and stay awake.

And I, myself, was rather tired.

So, I turned the car off, reclined my seat, curled up, and enjoyed a catnap to the sound of Cubbie's soft, sleepy breathing.

At least I'm showered. :)


  1. That is brilliant! Smart move, momma! (Confession: I sometimes take naps in my car on my lunch break!)

  2. now that is funny! :)

    I have totally shut the garage and rolled down the windows opened the door to the house and left sleeping babies in there until I heard them :)

  3. That's hilarious! Whatever works! ;)

  4. Glad you found a way to get both shower and nap done...

  5. Oh so pitiful! but necessary - we still sleep while the baby sleeps :)
